November 1 (Thu)
Pre-congress 01
Patient-centered laboratory medicine (Women's health, Cardiac disease, Oncology)
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 10:30-16:00 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Kyung Eun Song, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea
Hwan Sub Lim, Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Korea
Gye-Cheol Kwon, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- Opening
Junghan Song, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- Women's health
- 1. Clinical aspect of preeclampsia
Joon-Seok Hong, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea
- 2. The clinical implications of AMH
Hoon Kim, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- Cardiac disease
- 3. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in heart failure
Seok-Min Kang, Division of Cardiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- 4. Clinical and economical value of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T assay in the emergency department
Chien-Chang Lee, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan
- Oncology
- 5. Navify tumor board - Empowering personalized healthcare
Marco Antonio Valencia Sanchez, RDAP, Singapore
Pre-congress 02: MSACL
Clinical mass spectrometry workshop by MSACL
This clinical mass spectrometry workshop will start with an introduction to the nomenclature and basic theory of mass spectrometry to insure all are familiar with the basics. This introduction will be followed by some advanced and very interesting applications of the technology to many aspects of the clinical laboratory. Additionally, the session will include a current status report of clinical mass spectrometry in Korea.
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 08:30-16:30 |
Venue |
Art Hall (4F) |
Language |
English |
Speakers |
- 1.Fundamentals of mass spectrometry
Robert L. Fitzgerald, University of California-San Diego, USA
- 2.Drug Screening in real time using LC-MS/MS (without the aid of immunoassays)
Dennis J. Dietzen, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
- 3.Thyroglobulin by tandem mass spectrometry: How to do it. When you need it. When you don't.
Daniel T. Holmes, University of British Columbia, Canada
- 4.Current status of clinical mass spectrometry in Korea
Soo-Youn Lee, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
- 5.Murder and Munchausen's: Investigation in spontaneous hypoglycemia using LC-MS/MS
Daniel T. Holmes, University of British Columbia, Canada
- 6.HbA1c and variant Hb determination by mass spectrometry
David Herold, University of California-San Diego, USA
- 7.Targeted metabolomics of pediatric and maternal-fetal pathology
Dennis J. Dietzen, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
- 8.Setting up a lab for successful implementation of LC-MS
David Herold, University of California-San Diego, USA
Symposium 01 * 대한의사협회에서 지정한 필수 교육 세션 (2평점)
The current status of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) and the role of clinical microbiology
This session will manage the current situation of healthcare-associated infections in Korea, especially from the point of view of carbapenem-producing Enterobacteriaecae, which is a notorious emerging threat in many countries, and the role of the clinical microbiology laboratory in overcoming the public threat will be discussed.
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 08:00-10:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
Korean |
Chairs |
Wonkeun Song, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea
Mi-Na Kim, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
Speakers |
- 1.Perspectives of HAIs from the Korean national healthcare-associated infection surveillance system
Young Hwa Choi, Department of Infectious Diseases, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea
- 2.The current status of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriacae in Korea: Vicious cycle between acute care hospitals and long term care facilities
Hyungmin Lee, Division of Healthcare Associated Infection Control, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Korea
- 3.Impact of rapid surveillance of CPE and preemptive isolation on CPE prevention and control
Taek Soo Kim, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea
- 4.Changing role of clinical microbiology in HAI prevention and control
Hyukmin Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 02
Inspector workshop of the Korean laboratory accreditation program
This workshop deals with the accreditation checklist and intends to improve understanding and practical skills required of inspection team leaders and members.
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 10:00-12:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
Korean |
Chairs |
Dae-Soo Moon, Chosun University Hospital, Korea
Jeong Yeal Ahn, Gachon University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- 1.Quality control program of point-of-care testing
Jinsook Lim, Chungnam National University Hospital, Korea
- 2.Korean laboratory accreditation program (KLAP): What laboratory directors and inspection team leaders should know & risk management in clinical laboratories
Woo-In Lee, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Korea
- 3.Inspection points during laboratory result reporting process
Sang-Guk Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- 4.Internal quality control program of viral serological assay
Hyun Soo Kim, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 03 * 지도 전문의 필수 교육 세션
Education course for laboratory medicine specialist
This session has been organized to provide specialists a chance for continuing education in the department of laboratory medicine, including diagnostic hematology, clinical chemistry, diagnostic immunology, clinical microbiology, transfusion medicine, and diagnostic genetics. This program is operated under Korean Medical law and will introduce the current issues of each sub-specialty regarding clinical practices and resident training.
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 13:00-17:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
Korean |
Chairs |
Myung-Geun Shin, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea
Chun Hwa Ihm, Eulji University School of Medicine, Korea
Kyung Dong Kim, Yeungnam University Hospital, Korea
Dongeun Yong, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
Speakers |
- 1.The recycle bin of a clinical laboratory
Jaewoo Song, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- 2.Guideline for resident training in diagnostic hematology
A-Jin Lee, Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine, Korea
- 3.Current issues in clinical chemistry
Sang Hoon Song, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- 4.Guideline for resident training in clinical chemistry
Hyung-Doo Park, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
- 5.Current issues in diagnostic immunology
Eun Suk Kang, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
- 6.Guideline for resident training in diagnostic immunology
Yongjung Park, Korea National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital, Korea
- 7.Current issues in clinical microbiology
Kyoung Un Park, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- 8.Guideline for resident training in clinical microbiology
Jaehyeon Lee, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Korea
- 9.Current issues in transfusion medicine
So-Yong Kwon, Korean Red Cross, Korea
- 10.Guideline for resident training in transfusion medicine
Chun Hwa Ihm, Eulji University School of Medicine, Korea
- 11.Current issues in diagnostic genetics
Ja Young Seo, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Korea
- 12.Guideline for resident training in diagnostic genetics
Min-Jung Kwon, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
- 13.Current issues in medical ethics
Ilhak Lee, Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- 14.Current guideline for specialty qualification examination in laboratory medicine
Myung-Geun Shin, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea
Symposium 04: Joint Workshop with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) and KSLM
Industry-Academia-Government (IAG) Committee:
In vitro diagnostics device registration and modification for MFDS
To share the MFDS registration experience in IVD trials and report to MFDS for a minor change of IVD, this workshop, organized by the KSLM IAG committee and MFDS, will help principal investigators (PI) and IVD developers understand the process of registering and minor change reports to MFDS for IVD.
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 15:00-17:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
Korean |
Chairs |
Won-Kyu Lee, Division of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices, National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Korea Je Hoon Lee, The Catholic University of Korea Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital, Korea
Speakers |
- Welcome Address
Hyeon-joo Oh, Director General of Department of Medical Device Evaluation, National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Korea
- Congratulatory Address
Junghan Song, CEO of Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- 1.Development of a guide for changing the permission based on the negative list system for in vitro diagnostics
Eun-Jee Oh, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Korea
- 2.How to make regulatory approval and market access strategy for in vitro diagnostics device
Hye Kyung Chung, Synex, Korea
- 3.Understanding of GMP (good manufacturing practices) audits for in vitro diagnostics
Jeong Jin Jo, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Korea
Plenary Lecture 01
Date & Time |
Nov. 1 (Thu), 17:30-18:30 |
Venue |
Walkerhill Theatre (B1) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Kyungja Han, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Korea
Speaker |
- Blood type and personality – Asian mythology
Kyou-Sup Han, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
November 2 (Fri)
Keynote Speech 01
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 08:00-08:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Jang-Soo Suh, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea
Speaker |
- Clinical pathologists and taking care of patients in the clinic
Seongsoo Jang, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 05
Statistics & ethics for laboratory researches
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 08:40-10:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Sunjoo Kim, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Korea Mina Hur, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
Speakers |
- 1.Publication ethics for authors
Soo Young Kim, Department of Family Medicine, Hallym University Medical College, Korea
- 2.Using the R programming language for method validation and medical statistics
Daniel T. Holmes, University of British Columbia, Canada
- 3.Making sense of statistics for laboratory medicine
Shuji Ogino, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA
Symposium 06
Clinical laboratory reimbursement – Financial aspects of laboratory medicine
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 08:00-10:30 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Hyosoon Park, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
Nisarat Opartkiattikul, Thai Society of Clinical Pathology, Thailand
Speakers |
- 1.Financial aspects of laboratory medicine in India
Praveen Sharma, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
- 2.Laboratory test reimbursement policies in Japanese health insurance systems; Against cost-cut pressure
Taiji Furukawa, Teikyo University School of Medicine, Japan
- 3.Clinical laboratory reimbursement in tertiary hospital in Indonesia
Nina Susana Dewi, Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia
- 4.Financial aspects of laboratory medicine in Mongolia
Oyundelger Munkhtuvshin Ertsuud, Mongolian Association of the Laboratory Medicine, Mongolia
- 5.Financial aspects of laboratory medicine in Malaysia
Lai-Meng Looi, University of Malaya, Malaysia
- 6.Clinical laboratory reimbursement – Financial aspects of laboratory medicine in Thailand
Nisarat Opartkiattikul, Thai Society of Clinical Pathology, Thailand
- 7.Financial aspects of laboratory medicine in public medical units in Vietnam
Nguyen Minh Ha, Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital, Vietnam
- 8.Financial aspect of medical laboratories in Myanmar
Wah Wah Aung, Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar
- 9.Health insurance reimbursement system in Korea
Tae Hyun Um, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Korea
Symposium 07
New molecular technologies for personalized medicine
Advances in molecular technologies are expanding the scope of personalized medicine, a tailoring of medical treatment based on an individual's genetic profile, especially in the field of medical oncology. Topics to be presented in this session will focus on the development and clinical applications of new molecular technologies that drive personalized and precision medicine.
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Jong-Won Kim, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea Jacky Lam, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Speakers |
- 1.Analysis and clinical applications Exosome for liquid biopsy of cancer
Lei Zheng, Nanfang Hospital, China
- 2.Application of BEAMing technology for circulating tumor DNA detection
Myungshin Kim, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Korea
- 3.The current and future of circulating tumor DNA sequencing in precision oncology
Young Kwang Chae, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA
Oral Presentation 01: Clinical chemistry 1
Date & Time |
Nov. 2, 09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Sang Hoon Song, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
Soo-Youn Lee, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- O-18Sigma metric quality framework - an analyte performance indicator and quality improvement tool
Lo Man Har Vanessa, Health Care Department, Six Sigma Institute, Hong Kong
- O-7Evaluation of a multiplex phytosterol assay for inherited lipid storage Disorders utilizing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Joon Hee Lee, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-8Effect of a mixed meal on serum lipids, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation in healthy Indian adults and those with hypothyroidism
Lokesh Kumar Sharma, PGIMER-Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, India
- O-9The incidence of acute kidney disease in hematooncologic patients treated with vancomycin
Ahram Yi, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-10Estimated mean recovery of two low-density lipoprotein cholesterol homogeneous methods based on non-high-density lipoprotein particle size distribution
Jaeryuk Kim, Asan Medical Center,Korea
- O-11Study of Serum lipid abnormalities in patients with nephrotic syndrome
Sushil Baral, TU Teaching Hospital, Nepal
- O-12Plasma isoniazid and rifampicin concentrations and therapeutic drug monitoring in treating patients with tuberculosis at a tertiary centre
Altaf Ahmad Mir, ESICMC and H, India
- O-13Comparison of six hemoglobin A1c Measurement methods in hemoglobin E trait, and Hemoglobin E trait with alpha-thalassemia 1 trait
Panumas Kamkang, Siriraj Hospital,Mahidol University, Thailand
- O-14Analysis of protein biomarkers in serum of patients with schizophrenia
Wei Jiang, Affiliated Hospital of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China & Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, China
Plenary Lecture 02
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 11:00-12:00 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Gye-Cheol Kwon, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Korea
Speaker |
- Expanding the measurable metabolome: How should we mine the lipidome?
Dennis J. Dietzen, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Education Workshop 01 
Review on potential biotin interference in immunoassays
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Young Joo Cha, Chung-Ang University Hospital, Korea |
Speaker |
- Review on potential biotin interference in immunoassays
Hai Young Jung, North Asia Abbott Diagnostic Division, Korea
Education Workshop 02 
Atellica solution workflow - Doing more with less
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Dal Sik Kim, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Korea
Speaker |
- Atellica solution workflow - Doing more with less
Antonio Buño Soto, La Paz Hospital in Madrid, Spain
Education Workshop 03 : Roche Diagnostics Korea
cobas pro integrated solutions - Simplicity meets excellence
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Young Jun Hong, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea
Speaker |
- cobas pro integrated solutions - Simplicity meets excellence
Benjamin Lilienfeld, Roche Diagnostics International, Switzerland
Education Workshop 04 
Significance of full panel assays in syndromic diagnosis for infectious diseases
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Jihyun Cho, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- 1.Study of full panel assays for syndromic approach of diagnosis
Kyoung Ho Roh, Seegene Medical Foundation, Korea
- 2.Evaluation of Allplex GI assays in detecting pathogens causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) in stool specimens collected from Korean nationwide veterans hospital
Eunsin Bae, Veterans Healthcare Service (VHS) Medical Center, Korea
Education Workshop 05 
Evaluation of new isothermal amplification molecular diagnostic method for the diagnosis of Influenza infection
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Art Hall (4F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Chang Kyu Lee, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Evaluation of new isothermal amplification molecular diagnostic method for the diagnosis of Influenza infection
Chea-Seung Lim, Korea University Guro Hospital, Korea
Symposium 08
Practical aspects of laboratory management Ⅳ; Laboratory Information System (LIS) & Information Communication Technology (ICT)
The ‘Laboratory Management Committee’ will introduce the Basic Principles of the Laboratory Information System (LIS), Maximizing the Value of Test Results with Information Communication Technology (ICT), and Middle Ware Applications & ICT, which are essential elements for effective laboratory management.
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 13:00-14:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Ile-Kyu Park, Hanyang University Medical Center, Guri Hospital, Korea
Daniel T. Holmes, University of British Columbia, Canada |
Speakers |
- 1.Basic principle of LIS
Je Hoon Lee, The Catholic University of Korea Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital, Korea
- 2.Using the R statistical programming language for quality improvement and monitoring
Janet Simons, St. Paul’s Hospital, Canada
- 3.Maximizing the value of test results with ICT
Won-Ki Min, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
- 4.Middle ware applications and ICT
Hyung Hoi Kim, Pusan National University Hospital, Korea
Symposium 09
Education track I
According to the revised eligibility criteria policy, the specialized education of each division will be needed in addition to common education course. Therefore, this session aims to admitted professional qualities required as an educational supervisor and a resident in training and to improve the problem solving capabilities when working in the laboratory. In this session, we will go over for the updated laboratory diagnosis in the fields of immunology, microbiology and genetics.
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 13:00-14:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Hee Jung Kang, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea Namhee Ryoo, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Korea
Speakers |
- 1.Updates on laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection
Younhee Park, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- 2.Application of rapid molecular diagnostic method for Tuberculosis
Chang Ki Kim, Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Korea
- 3.Microbial laboratory tests using matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
Jeong Su Park, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea
- 4.Clinical principles and applications of molecular genetic testing
Seung-Tae Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 10
Genomics of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in the era of next generation sequencing (NGS)
We would like to share the recent application of NGS technology in HLA genomics, particularly related with disease association and transplantation.
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 13:00-14:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Eun Suk Kang, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea Dong Hee Whang, Inje University College of Medicine, Korea
Speakers |
- 1.The 17th international HLA and immunogenetics workshop: Advances in NGS for studying HLA
Steven J. Mack, The UCSF School of Medicine, USA
- 2.HLA genomics in the field of disease association
Katsushi Tokunaga, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
- 3.Role of HLA-DP in HBV vaccine response
Soie Chung, Seoul National University Hospital Healthcare System Gangnam Center, Korea
Oral Presentation 02: Clinical microbiology
Date & Time |
13:00-14:40 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Young Uh, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea
SunHwa Lee, Seegene Medical Foundation, Korea |
Speakers |
- O-19Evaluation of the Lower critical concentration for moxifloxacin dst based on lj media recently revised by WHO
Soyoun Shin, Aboratory Medicine Center, The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis, Korea
- O-20Evaluation of linezolid-resistance from vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium under pressure of linezolid treatment in a tertiary-care hospital
Kuenyoul Park, University of Ulsan College of Medicine and Asan Medical Center, Korea
- O-21Analysis of the possibility of sputum AFB grading using a classification model based on deep learning
Taeyoung Kim, InSpace Co., Ltd, Korea
- O-22Determining the genes involved in the evolution of carbapenem resistance in klebsiella pneumoniae
Naina A. Pinto, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-23Risk factor analysis for candidemia caused by PDR1-mutant candida glabrata and its clinical outcomes
Eun Jeong Won, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea
- O-24Establishment of a fecal microbiota bank and fecal microbiota transplantation at a Korean university affiliated hospital
Hyun Soo Seo, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-25Evaluation of mock communities for assessing the characteristics of NGS using illumina MiSeq for microbiome analysis
Younjee Hwang, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-26Clinical utility of fecal calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in clostridium difficile infections
Joowon Yi, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
Oral Presentation 03: General laboratory medicine & Transfusion medicine
Date & Time |
13:00-14:40 |
Venue |
Art Hall (4F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
So-Yong Kwon, Korean Red Cross, Korea
Sae Yun Baik, Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Korea
Speakers |
- O-32Benefits of automated cross-matching using vision max: A multidimensional analysis
Hee-Jung Chung, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-32Benefits of automated cross-matching using vision max: A multidimensional analysis
Hee-Jung Chung, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-33Understanding thrombocytopenia: Role of MicroRNA in neonatal and adult megakaryopoiesis
Ravi Kumar Gutti, University of Hyderabad, India
- O-48Successful development of real-time display of the ongoing phases of laboratory tests and expert comments by laboratory physician on the computerized order communication system
Sollip Kim, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Inje University, Korea
- O-49New strategy of nationwide sentinel surveillance for respiratory virus infection
Seungman Park, Green Cross Laboratories, Korea
- O-50Performance evaluation of the uf-5000 for body fluid analysis
Mo Sae Koo, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-51A low-cost IoT diagnosis platform for monitoring pregnancy status in a resource-limited setting
Moo Kyoung You, Department of Electronics Convergence Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Korea
- O-52Development of a point-of-care diagnostic test for the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis directly from patient blood samples
Amit Singh, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
- O-53Comparison of the efficacy of the malaria Pf/Pv Test and star diagnostic plus® Test to diagnose falciparum and vivax malaria
Yusra Yusra, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Symposium 11
Accreditation system for the clinical laboratory
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 15:00-17:00 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Woo-In Lee, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Korea Young Kyung Lee, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea
Speakers |
- 1.Accreditation for next generation sequencing
Ryan Robetorye, Mayo Clinic, USA
- 2.Accreditation as a driver of quality improvement and patient-centeredness
Carsten Engel,Danish Institute for Quality and Accreditation in Healthcare (IKAS), Denmark
- 3.LMF accreditation & ISO 15189
Wee Gyo Lee, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 12
Education track II
According to the revised eligibility criteria policy, specialized education for each division will be needed in addition to general education courses. Therefore, this session aims at the professional qualities required as an educational supervisor and resident in training and to improve the problem-solving capabilities when working in the laboratory. The special divisions covered in this session are clinical chemistry, diagnostic hematology, transfusion medicine, and clinical microbiology and will give us the latest practical information.
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 15:00-16:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Seok Lae Chae, Dongguk University College of Medicine, Korea Nam Yong Lee, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- 1.Interpretation of quality control in clinical chemistry
Kyunghoon Lee, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- 2.Molecular genetic tests of hematologic malignancy
Mi-Ae Jang, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Korea
- 3.ABO discrepancies and RhD variants
Duck Cho, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
- 4.Evolution of antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Hyukmin Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 13: AACC-KSLM Select Session
Emerging clinical applications for circulating DNA analysis
Much recent progress has been achieved in the analysis of circulating graft-derived and tumor-derived DNA. Some of these new applications have been or will soon be implemented clinically for organ transplantation monitoring and cancer screening/diagnosis. In this session, details of clinical studies, technological and molecular approaches as well as new biological understanding of circulating DNA will be shared.
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 15:00-16:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Kyung-A Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea Lei Zheng, Nanfang Hospital, China |
Speakers |
- 1.Cancer screening by circulating tumor DNA analysis is becoming a clinical reality
Jacky Lam, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 2.Graft-derived cell-free DNA – A promising noninvasive marker for detection of rejection and graft injury after solid organ transplantation
Michael Oellerich, George-August University, Germany
- 3.The external quality assessment (EQA) program for circulating tumor DNA analysis: Status quo and prospects
Woochang Lee, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
Oral Presentation 04: Diagnostic genetics 1 & Diagnostic hematology
Date & Time |
15:00-16:40 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
You Kyoung Lee, Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, Korea
Ji-Young Park, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- O-1Usefulness of hidden parameters of an automated hematology analyzer for distinguishing myelodysplastic syndromes
Eunyup Lee, Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Korea
- O-2A neuraminidase inhibitor and platelet counts
Sun-Young Ko, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-3Bone marrow recovery of hematopoietic stem cells and of the microenvironment after chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Sang Hyuk Park, Ulsan University Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
- O-4Clinical application of next-generation sequencing to the diagnostic workup of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome
Min Young Lee, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
- O-5Comprehensive analysis of genetic variations in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Jihye Ha, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-34Novel platform for cell-free nucleic acids isolation from liquid biopsies of cancer patients
Choong Eun Jin, Department of Convergence Medicine, Asan Medical Center and University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
- O-35RNA sequencing-based whole transcriptome analysis provided accurate detection of all fusion transcripts in hematological malignancy
Jun Hyung Lee, Chonnam National University Medical School, Chonnam National University, Korea
- O-36A biomedical knowledgebase and a web-based tool for the interpretation of genetic variants
Zehwan Kim, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-37Ganseq: An Easy-to-use sanger sequencing analysis software built with open source bioinformatics libraries
Young-gon Kim, Korea University Medical Center, Korea
Oral Presentation 05: Clinical chemistry 2 & Diagnostic immunology
Date & Time |
15:00-16:40 |
Venue |
Art Hall (4F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Seung-Jung Kee, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea
Hyung-Doo Park, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- O-15Circulating biologically active adrenomedullin (bio-ADM) and proenkephalin predict organ dysfunction mortality in patients with sepsis
Hanah Kim, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-16Evaluation of the analytical performance and establishment of a reference interval for the axis-shield clinical chemistry heparin binding protein assay
Sumi Yoon, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-17Gap between actual QC and report QC: Difference in number of results and impact on rejection rate
Soo Young Moon, Pusan National University Hospital, Korea
- O-6Biochemical and molecular genetic characteristics in Korean patients with 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency
Jongwon Oh, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-28Clinical utility of fecal immunochemical transferrin in gastrointestinal bleeding detection
Jong-Mi Lee, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
- O-29Application of enhanced liver fibrosis and glycosylation isomer of Mac-2 binding protein in non- invasive clinical algorithms for liver fibrosis
Mikyoung Park, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea
- O-30Comparison of the results between ELISpot and ELISA Interferon gamma releasing assays of workers in the independent laboratory
Do-CiC Mihn, Diagnostic Immunology, Seegene Medical Foundation, Seoul, Korea
- O-31Uses of paired serum samples along with clinical manifestation in diagnosis of toxoplasma gondii infection
Khalid Hajissa, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Keynote Speech 02
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 17:00-17:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Jeong-Ho Kim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Strategies to optimize medical laboratory for patient care in the era of universal coverage
Lia G Partakusuma, National Cardiovascular Centre Harapan Kita, Indonesia
Education Workshop 06 
Next molecular diagnostics solution in Sysmex
Date & Time |
Nov. 2 (Fri), 17:00-18:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Yonggoo Kim, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Highly sensitive liquid biopsy platforms
Toshiyuki Sato, Strategic Technology Planning Division, Sysmex R&D, Japan
November 3 (Sat)
Keynote Speech 03
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 08:00-08:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Won-Ki Min, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Bioactive lipids in laboratory medicine
Yutaka Yatomi, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
Symposium 14: CLSI-KSLM Session
Customer focused documents of CLSI
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Hwan Sub Lim, Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Korea Carl D. Mottram, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA |
Speakers |
- 1.CLSI document QMS19-Customer focus in a quality management system
Carl D. Mottram,Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA
- 2.CLSI document GP45-Studies to evaluate patient outcomes
James H. Nichols, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA
- 3.Developing and managing a medical laboratory (test) utilization management program
Sollip Kim, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Korea
Symposium 15
Recent trends in clinical chemistry for optimal patients care
A hormone is a chemical substance produced in the body by an organ, cells of an organ, or scattered cells, having a specific regulatory effect on the activity of organs. For optimal patient care, accurate and specific measurement of hormones such as vitamin D, thyroid hormones, and testosterone, is important. These hormones are measured by a variety of analytical techniques, including bioassay, immunoassay, and mass spectrometry interfaced with liquid chromatography. In this section, we will provide useful information about the analytical details for individual hormones using such techniques and clinical implications of these hormones assays.
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Hi Jeong Kwon, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Korea
David Herold, University of California-San Diego, USA |
Speakers |
- 1.Critical levels of serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D for metabolic bone disease
Howard Morris, University of South Australia, Australia
- 2.Cannabinoids in California-approach to assessing driving under the influence
Robert L. Fitzgerald, University of California-San Diego, USA
- 3.Optiumum utilization of automated urine microscopy
Jeong-Ho Kim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- 4.Screening of chitotriosidase: Its significance in detection and differential diagnosis of inherited metabolic diseases
Yoon Shin-Podskarbi, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Symposium 16
Updates in laboratory hematology
In every discipline of laboratory hematology, we are continuously confronting challenges as the understanding of diseases and clinical practices improve and evolve. Essential and inspiring updates in diverse fields covered here will help to stimulate research in laboratory hematology and make clinical services more complete.
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Chan-Jeoung Park, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea Jin-Yeong Han, Dong-A University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- 1.Flow cytometry for acute leukemia diagnosis and classification
Chan-Jeoung Park, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
- 2.Clot wave form analysis, laboratory monitoring of bleeding in hemophilia
Midori Shima, Nara Medical University, Japan
- 3.Update on the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Ross I. Baker, Murdoch University, Australia
Symposium 17: KCDC-KSLM Session
Legislation for diagnostic tests: National regulation or supports
Enactment and support of legislation is required to perform appropriate diagnostic tests and strengthen the capacity of the laboratory. In Korea, the area of clinical laboratory testing has continuously expanded over time and proper legislation for the clinical laboratory is needed. In this session, the results of the research project for legislation for the clinical laboratory, which was performed by the Korea Legislation Research Institute with the cooperation of the KSLM, is going to be presented and the results will be discussed by experts to the public.
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
Korean |
Chairs |
Won Keun Seong, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Korea Junghan Song, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- 1.Background and necessity of enactment of the act on laboratory testing in health and medical field
Seung-Hee Seo, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Korea
- 2.Introduction of current status of legislation for laboratory in other countries
Tae Hyun Um, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Korea
- 3.A study on the enactment of the “act on tests, diagnostic examinations, etc. for health and medical services”
Sejeong Yi, Korea Legislation Research Institute, Korea
Oral Presentation 06: Diagnostic genetics 2
Date & Time |
09:00-10:40 |
Venue |
Art Hall (4F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Eul-Ju Seo, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
Sun-Young Kong, National Cancer Center, Korea |
Speakers |
- O-38Plasma RNA Profiling in patients with colorectal cancer using a NanoString-based platform
Hin Fung Tsang, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital, Hong Kong
- O-38Plasma RNA Profiling in patients with colorectal cancer using a NanoString-based platform
Hin Fung Tsang, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital, Hong Kong
- O-39Genetic spectrum of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy unveiled by next-generation sequencing in a large cohort of Korea
Hyunjung Gu, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea
- O-40Application of next generation sequencing of gene panels for patients with genetic skin disorders
Jin Ju Kim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-41Strategies to enhance clinical and diagnostic utility of targeted panel sequencing in Korean hearing loss patients
John Hoon Rim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-42Diagnostic and clinical implications of a targeted NGS panel in eye disorders
Yu Jin Park, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
- O-43Multiplex bio-optical sensor for diagnosis of emerging infectious diseases in human respiratory specimens
Bonhan Koo, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
- O-44Performance of noninvasive prenatal test from 14,352 singleton pregnancies in korean population
Ja-Hyun Jang, Research Department, GC Genome, Korea
- O-45Association of SNAP-25 (Rs3746544) and DMT1 (Rs224589) polymorphism with a body lead burden in occupationally lead (Pb)-exposed individuals of rajasthan, India
Prasenjit Mitra, Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
- O-46Evaluation of candidate SNPs in TMPRSS6 and TF as potential diagnostic markers of anemia in pregnant Filipino women
Vanessa Joy Timoteo, Academia Sinica, Taiwan International Graduate Program-Molecular Medicine, Taiwan
Plenary Lecture 03
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 11:00-12:00 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Kyungwon Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- The fight against antimicrobial resistance: Are we doing right?
Jesús Rodríguez Baño, University of Sevilla, Spain
Education Workshop 07 
Clinical utility of prostate health index (phi) for prostate cancer detection and prediction of high risk prostate cancer
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Rojin Park, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Clinical utility of prostate health index (phi) for prostate cancer detection and prediction of high risk prostate cancer
Jeong Hyun Kim, Kangwon National University Hospital, Korea
Education Workshop 08 
Diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Hyon-Suk Kim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection
Young Ae Kang, Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
Education Workshop 09 
Measurement and clinical application of HbA1c in Japan
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Minjeong Park, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Measurement and clinical application of HbA1c in Japan
Asako Sato, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan
Education Workshop 10 
Clinical implications of syndromic, rapid, sample-to-answer molecular infectious disease testing
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Cosmos Hall (3F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Jae-Seok Kim, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Clinical implications of syndromic, rapid, sample-to-answer molecular infectious disease testing
Geehay Hong, bioMerieux Korea Co., Ltd, Korea
Education Workshop 11
Illumina’s amplicon-based BRCA1/BRCA2 analysis: Faster and more reliable
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 12:00-13:00 |
Venue |
Art Hall (4F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Jong Rak Choi, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Illumina’s amplicon-based BRCA1/BRCA2 analysis: Faster and more reliable
Woochang Lee, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea
Keynote Speech 04
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 13:00-13:40 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Chulhun L. Chang, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speaker |
- Integrative analyses of microbiota, immunity & environment can transform (laboratory) medicine
Shuji Ogino, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA
Symposium 18: ESCMID-KSLM Session
Precision medicine in infectious diseases
Precision medicine in infectious diseases
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 14:00-15:30 |
Venue |
Vista Hall 1 (B2) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Seok Hoon Jeong, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea Jesús Rodríguez Baño, University of Sevilla, Spain |
Speakers |
- 1.The coming era of precision medicine in infectious diseases
Jesús Rodríguez Baño, University of Sevilla, Spain
- 2.Next generation sequencing in routine clinical microbiology
John Rossen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- 3.Multiplex identification of major sepsis-Causing pathogens from the plasma of infected blood
Yeun-Jun Chung, Department of Microbiology, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Korea
Symposium 19
Guidelines on clinical tests for patient care
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 14:00-15:40 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 1 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Sail Chun, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea Philippe Gillery, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France |
Speakers |
- 1.Chronic renal failure biomarker
Graham Jones, St Vincent’s Hospital, Australia
- 2.Biomarkers of diabetes
Philippe Gillery, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
- 3.Guideline for protein electrophoresis tests for patient care
Helen Martin, SA Pathology, Australia
- 4.Next generation sequencing-based gene panel and exome testing
Chang-Seok Ki, Green Cross Genome, Korea
Symposium 20
Role of specialists in transfusion medicine
People with specialized expertise in the field of transfusion medicine play many roles in the modern hospital setting.
This session will look at a variety of activities that are performed by these experts so that patients can receive transfusion support that meets the high standards required nowadays.
Date & Time |
Nov. 3 (Sat), 14:00-15:30 |
Venue |
Walker Hall 2 (1F) |
Language |
English |
Chairs |
Hyun Ok Kim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea Young Ae Lim, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea |
Speakers |
- 1.The role of the transfusion practitioner as a specialist in transfusion medicine
Rachel Moss, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, UK
- 2.Support of blood banks for surgery
David Roxby, Flinders Medical Centre, Australia
- 3.A consultant for clinicians
Sejong Chun, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea